The following will ensure a smooth, safe and enjoyable Gael Scoil experience.
Throughout the program, there will be a paid security guard and registered nurse. There will also be multiple volunteers who will be watching the children to ensure their safety.
If at any point you have any questions, please ask a volunteer to call for a committee member.
If your child is sick, please keep them home. Any child that shows symptoms of an illness, COVID or not, will have their parents called and requested the child be picked up.
- Registration starts at 8:15. The program will start promptly at 9:00
- Enter The Riverbank school through the front door, to the left of the parking lot. There will be signs for the Gael Scoil
- Once inside the building, there will be a registration table with Gael Scoil volunteers
- A waiver will be sent home and collected here, or you will be able to sign one there
- If you have not paid, you will be able to pay here via Venmo, cash, check or credit card (by Paypal)
- Your child will be escorted to the next table
- At this point, we ask that parents leave their children with us. This is for the safety of all children.
- At the next table, the children’s coats will be tagged and hung on a Gael Scoil rack. This will be locked up during the program
- The children will be given their bag, materials and broken up into their group
- They will enter the cafeteria through where Gael Scoil volunteers will guide them to their team area
- A continental breakfast and drinks will be available at this time
During the day:
- Once the program starts; the children will be assigned at least one male and one female volunteer that will chaperone them through the weekend. The children will be made aware of who to go to if they need anything.
- Saturday and Sunday will have a continental breakfast. Lunch will be served Saturday. There will also be snack times and a taste testing of Irish foods.
- Water and juice will be available
- Please have the children dress appropriately in layers to accommodate the temperature indoors and outdoors
- We will have activities and crafts that could be a little messy
- Dress comfortably as will be moving from classroom to cafeteria to outdoors
- We will distribute the swag before dismissal Saturday. Please have your child wear this on Sunday
- The program will end at 3pm on Saturday. You will be directed as to where to pick up you children. They will be dismissed from their individual classrooms
- There will be a mass at the end of Saturday starting at 3:00